Frequently Asked Questions
We’re happy to answer your questions. Take a look through some of the most frequently asked questions below.
What is independent living?
EastView is not an assisted living facility. It is a private independent senior housing facility providing lodging, board, and light housekeeping services. The Salvation Army may refuse to admit or retain a resident if in its sole judgment the resident is not physically, mentally, emotionally or financially able to reside in the Facility.
I’m independent now, but what if I need some assistance in the future?
Our staff is not licensed to administer or monitor residents’ medication(s) and/or oversee residents’ healthcare needs. If necessary, residents may retain Outside Service Providers to assist the resident with his or her healthcare requirements and the administering of his or her medication.
How do I become a resident at Eastview?
Potential residents should contact Heather Foreman, our Social/Resident Services Manager, at 212-316-6002 extension 236. If you feel EastView might be the right facility for you, you can schedule an appointment to discuss the Application for Admission and Personal and Financial Profile.
How do I arrange a tour?
To arrange a tour either use our contact form or contact Heather Foreman, Social/Resident Services Manager, at 212-316-6002 extension 236.
Is there 24-hour security at EastView?
Yes. There is 24-hour security in the first floor lobby.
Is EastView a homeless shelter?
EastView is not a homeless shelter. EastView is a private independent senior housing facility owned and operated by The Salvation Army.
Have more questions?

The Salvation Army Eastview Independent Senior Living Complex
2306 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10035
The Salvation Army is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. To find out more about your local Salvation Army in New York click here.
Copyright © 2020 The Salvation Army USA: Eastern Territory